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Timeout resilience strategy


  • Options: TimeoutStrategyOptions
  • Extensions: AddTimeout
  • Strategy Type: Proactive
  • Exceptions:
    • TimeoutRejectedException: Thrown when a delegate executed through a timeout strategy does not complete before the timeout.


Version 8 documentation for this strategy has not yet been migrated. For more information on timeout concepts and behavior, refer to the older documentation.


// Add timeout using the default options.
// See for default values.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
    .AddTimeout(new TimeoutStrategyOptions());

// To add a timeout with a custom TimeSpan duration
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()

// To add a timeout using a custom timeout generator function
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
    .AddTimeout(new TimeoutStrategyOptions
        TimeoutGenerator = args =>
            // Note: the timeout generator supports asynchronous operations
            return new ValueTask<TimeSpan>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(123));

// To add a timeout and listen for timeout events
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
    .AddTimeout(new TimeoutStrategyOptions
        TimeoutGenerator = args =>
            // Note: the timeout generator supports asynchronous operations
            return new ValueTask<TimeSpan>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(123));
        OnTimeout = args =>
            Console.WriteLine($"{args.Context.OperationKey}: Execution timed out after {args.Timeout.TotalSeconds} seconds.");
            return default;

Example execution:

var pipeline = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()

HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = await pipeline.ExecuteAsync(
      async ct =>
          // Execute a delegate that takes a CancellationToken as an input parameter.
          return await httpClient.GetAsync(endpoint, ct);


Property Default Value Description
Timeout 30 seconds The default timeout used by the strategy.
TimeoutGenerator null Generates the timeout for a given execution.
OnTimeout null Event that is raised when timeout occurs.