Table of Contents


This includes Blogs, podcasts, courses, e-books, architecture samples and videos around Polly. When we discover an interesting write-up on Polly, we'll add it to this list. If you have a blog post you'd like to share, please submit a PR!

Blog posts


PluralSight course

  • Bryan Hogan of the NoDogmaBlog has authored a PluralSight course on Polly. The course takes you through all the major features of Polly, with an additional module added in the fall of 2018 on Http Client Factory. The course examples are based around using Polly for fault tolerance when calling remote web services, but the principles and techniques are applicable to any context in which Polly may be used.

Sample microservices architecture and e-book

Sample microservices architecture

  • Cesar de la Torre produced the Microsoft eShopOnContainers project, a sample project demonstrating a .NET Microservices architecture. The project uses Polly retry and circuit-breaker policies for resilience in calls to microservices, and in establishing connections to transports such as RabbitMQ.

